

詳細說明與申請方式,請見: https://www.ait.org.tw/fy2025-study-of-the-u-s-institutes-for-scholars/


Must demonstrate English language fluency. (This will be tested.)

Ages of 30-50, mid-career.

Experienced scholars and professionals from institutions of higher education or research-focused organizations (not-for-profits, think tanks, etc.) and secondary school educators and administrators.

Graduate degrees or above and substantial knowledge of the thematic area of the Institute or a related field.

No or little US experience. (未曾在美國居住、留學、或參與過任何交換交流計畫者)

Not a U.S. citizen and permanent resident.

附註一:送出申請書的行政程序,可與黃鈺涵小姐聯繫 (02-2162-2666或是EMAIL: huangyh@state.gov)

附註二:本年度申請截止日 2024112