
We are delighted to announce that UNESCO Chairs at Istanbul Aydin University (IAU), are organizing a series of exceptional short-term summer programs in the captivating city of Istanbul. The programs are designed to offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for participants to immerse themselves in a city that beautifully straddles two continents, Europe and Asia, providing a unique blend of cultures, histories, and perspectives. At IAU, we foster a rich multicultural environment by uniting students from diverse cultural and national backgrounds. Our programs not only educate participants in their areas of interest but also equip them with the essential 21st-century academic skill sets.

Click to see the presentation for IAU UNESCO Summer Diplomacy Program


IAU UNESCO Summer Programs:

IAU UNESCO Summer Diplomacy Program (for university students)

This two-week intensive program is tailored for university students interested in international relations and diplomacy. It provides an in-depth exploration of global diplomacy and intercultural communication, all within the vibrant and historical context of Istanbul. Students will learn the importance of fostering peace and democracy in a multicultural setting. Program dates: August 4th-17th, 2024. The cost including accommodation: 990 USD. Age: 18 years old and above.


IAU UNESCO Summer Medical Experience Program (for university students)

University students who are passionate about medicine can participate in this comprehensive program, which includes practical learning, exposure to cutting-edge medical practices, and opportunities to connect with international peers, promoting a multicultural understanding of global healthcare. Program dates: August 4th-17th, 2024. The cost including accommodation: 1400 USD for one week, 2200 USD for two weeks. Age: 18 years old and above.


IAU UNESCO Teacher Training Program (for K-12 teachers and faculty professors)

This program, specially tailored for educators, offers specialized training to enhance teaching methodologies and professional skills. Academicians will engage in collaborative learning and share best practices in a multicultural setting, fostering a global perspective on education, intercultural competence and peace. The programs can be run year-round for a group of 10 participants and more. The cost including accommodation: 700 USD for one week, 1300 USD for two weeks.


For more information and application details, please visit our website unesco.aydin.edu.tr, or contact us at unesco@aydin.edu.tr.


You can also apply directly through our application portal: unescoapp.aydin.edu.tr/





IAU 聯合國教科文組織暑期課程:


IAU 聯合國教科文組織暑期外交課程(大學生專用)



IAU 聯合國教科文組織暑期醫療體驗課程(大學生專用)



IAU 聯合國教科文組織教師培訓課程(K-12教師和大學教授專用)



如需更多訊息和申請細節,請訪問我們的網站 unesco.aydin.edu.tr,或通過電子郵件聯繫我們:unesco@aydin.edu.tr

您也可以直接通過我們的申請門戶 unescapp.aydin.edu.tr 進行申請。