
PKNU-ISS Program:

The PKNU International Summer School Program, an outstanding program that brings together students from all over the globe for a unique intercultural learning experience, providing invaluable exposure to Korean culture.

Eligibility: undergraduate enrolled students

Program dates :113/7/17-113/8/16

Application deadline:113/4/1-113/5/3

Program fees: USD1550, fee includes; registration, tuition, activities, accommodation and meals

Courses: required course(global culture I) and one out of six optional courses. 1.Understanding of International Relations

2.Current issues on Korean Society I

3.Sport SCUBA diving and Understanding the aquatic environment

4.understanding Korean culture I

5.Sailing Yacht

6.DIY Model Shipbuilding


轉知2024韓國釜慶大學暑期營隊活動Pukyong National University (PKNU) International Summer School Program


  • 活動課程(全英文上課):必修課程Global Culture I 課程(61)1.Understanding of International Relations 2.Current issues on Korean Society I

3.Sport SCUBA diving and Understanding the aquatic environment 4. Understanding Korean culture I 5. Sailing Yacht 6.DIY Model Shipbuilding

  • 活動時間:113/7/17-113/8/16
  • 申請開始截止日期:113/4/1-113/5/3
  • 活動費用:USD1550,上述費用不含機票費用。需自行安排韓國機票行程訂購、辦理簽證、相關旅遊保險。另外,其所衍生之一切費用需自行負擔
  • 對象為在學士班學生,屬個人報名,英文程度B2以上學生報名
  • 營隊為實體課程,請慎重評估出國風險並取得家長同意
  • 詳細請見附檔